Turtle Cave PH
Level requerido: 50+, Skills 70+/70+
Exp/h: 30-40k/h ( dependendo do seu level/skills e quantas pessoas estão online )
2-3k Gold/h
- Gold
- Crocodile Boots, 3556
- Turtle Shells, 5899
- White Pearl, 3026
- Tortoise Shield, 6131 (Opcional)
- Tortoise Eggs, 5678 (Opcional)
- Battle Hammer, 3305 (Opcional, você pode vender por 120gp em PH )
Eu realmente não sei se você vai ter waste e de quanto ele será, pois eu testei o wpt com meu ek lvl 106 ( não usei nada, obviamente ). Levei 4 bps de mp por via das dúvidas.
Vá do depot de PH para a cave ( primeira ss abaixo )
Desça uma vez ( segunda ss )
Execute o bot ( terceira )

1. Você não precisa limpar o respawn antes de colocar o bot. 2. O wpt não está perfeito ainda, não estou com tempo para melhorá-lo. 3. Depois se der faço wpts diversos com os andares da cave
Essa cave tem um problema com os targets. Quando você está de Target All e você sobe um sqm que necessite de rope, o tibia vai dar erro. Pra eliminar esse problema, você deve usar esse Target All Script. Então não ative o Target All!
Código PHP:
List=['Dog','Sheep','Deer','Rabbit'];//enter the monsters(in your hunting area)that dont give exp
//so you avoid attacking them and wasting time.
var x : integer; Looting:boolean; Checked: array of integer; ScanX: integer; ScanY: integer; ScanItem: TItem;
function GetTileFromXYZ(X, Y, Z: integer): TTile; begin
Result := nil;
if abs((Self.X - 7) - X) > 14 then Exit;
if abs((Self.Y - 5) - Y) > 11 then Exit;
if Self.Z <> Z then Exit; Result := Screen.Tile[abs((Self.X - 7) - X), abs((Self.Y - 5) - Y)]; end;
function IsTileWalkable(Tile: TTile): boolean; begin
Result := True;
for Z := 0 to Tile.Count - 1 do begin if Tile.Item[Z].Properties.Hole then
Result := False; end else if Tile.Item[Z].Properties.Stairs then
Result := False; end else if not Tile.Item[Z].Properties.Walkable then
Result := False; end; end; end;
function FindPath(FromX, FromY, FromZ, ToX, ToY, ToZ: integer; CheckLastTile: boolean): boolean;
var Xloop, Yloop: integer; begin
Result := False;
if FromZ <> ToZ then Exit; Checked[abs(FromX - (Self.X - 7)), abs(FromY - (Self.Y - 5))] := True;
for Xloop := 0 to 2 do begin for Yloop := 0 to 2 do begin if (((FromX - 1) + Xloop) < Self.X - 7) or (((FromX - 1) + Xloop) > Self.X + 7) then Continue;
if (((FromY - 1) + Yloop) < Self.Y - 5) or (((FromY - 1) + Yloop) > Self.Y + 5) then Continue;
if (((FromX - 1) + Xloop) = ToX) and (((FromY - 1) + Yloop) = ToY) then
begin if IsTileWalkable(GetTileFromXYZ((FromX - 1) + Xloop, (FromY - 1) + Yloop, FromZ)) or (not CheckLastTile) then
Result := True;
Exit; end; end;
if ((Xloop = 1) and (Yloop = 1)) then Continue;
if Checked[abs(((FromX - 1) + Xloop) - (Self.X - 7)), abs(((FromY - 1) + Yloop) - (Self.Y - 5))] then Continue;
if IsTileWalkable(GetTileFromXYZ((FromX - 1) + Xloop, (FromY - 1) + Yloop, FromZ)) then
begin if FindPath((FromX - 1) + Xloop, (FromY - 1) + Yloop, FromZ, ToX, ToY, ToZ, CheckLastTile) then
Result := True;
Exit; end; end; end; end; end;
function IsReachable(X, Y, Z: integer); begin
Checked := VarArrayCreate([0, 14, 0, 10], 11);
for InitX := 0 to 14 do begin for InitY := 0 to 1 do begin
Checked[InitX, InitY] := False; end; end; Result := FindPath(Self.X, Self.Y, Self.Z, X, Y, Z, False); end;
function InList(Name:String):boolean; begin
For x:=LOW(List) To High(List) do
if Name=List[x] then result:=true; end;
function Attacking : boolean;
var x : integer; begin
Result := False;
for x := 0 to Creatures.Count - 1 do begin if x >= Creatures.Count then Break;
if Creatures.Creature[x].Attacking then
Result := True;
Exit; end; end; end;
function PlayerOnScreen : Boolean;
var x: integer; begin
Result := False;
for x := 0 to Creatures.Count - 1 do begin if x >= Creatures.Count then Break;
if Creatures.Creature[x].z=self.z then if Creatures.Creature[x].Name<>Self.Name then if not Creatures.Creature[x].NPC then
Result :=true;
Exit; end; end; end;
function GetCreatureByID(ID: integer): TCreature;
var x: integer; begin
Result := nil;
for x := 0 to Creatures.Count - 1 do begin if x >= Creatures.Count then Break;
if Creatures.Creature[x].ID = ID then
Result := Creatures.Creature[x];
Exit; end; end; end;
function FindClosest : integer;
var i, l, closest_num, closest_range, last_closest_range : integer; begin if not attacking then
closest_num := -1; last_closest_range := 5000;
for i := 0 to Creatures.Count - 1 do
if (InList(Creatures.Creature[i].Name)=false) then if (Creatures.Creature[i].Z = Self.Z) then if (Creatures.Creature[i].NPC = true) then if (IsReachable(Creatures.Creature[i].x,Creatures.Creature[i].y,Creatures.Creature[i].z)) then
closest_range := Round(Sqrt(Sqr(Self.X - Creatures.Creature[i].X)) + Sqr(Self.Y - Creatures.Creature[i].Y));
if (closest_range < last_closest_range) then
last_closest_range := closest_range; closest_num := i; end; end; Result := closest_num;
Exit; end; end;
var found, Bla,SleepTime, y : integer; begin
updateworld; Bla:=Self.Containers.Count; Looting:=false;
while not terminated do begin
if Self.Containers.Count>Bla then Looting:=true;
if (Looting=true) then
updateworld; X:=self.x; y:=self.y; repeat
sleep(200); updateworld; until (X<>Self.x) or (y<>self.y); Looting:=false; Repeat sleep(100); updateworld; until not (Self.Containers.Count>Bla); end; updateworld; found := FindClosest;
if (found <> -1) then if (attacking=false) and (PlayerOnScreen=false) and (Looting=false) then
Creatures.Creature[found].Attacking := true; Sleep(1000); end; end;
Se você quiser também pode usar esse script, que fará você atacar alguns monstros primeiro. Eu não vi muita diferença, mas você pode tentar:
Código PHP:
Const Name=['Blood Crab', 'Crocodile', 'Tortoise']; SwitchAt=30;// the % of the current attacked monster
//that if the monster has lass % hp than this, we will NOT change to the stronger monster. function GetPlace(st:string):integer;
var x:integer; begin
for x:=Low(Name) To High(Name) do
if Name[x]=st then
end; end;
function GetCreatureByID(ID: integer): TCreature;
x: integer; begin
Result := nil;
for x := 0 to Creatures.Count - 1 do
if x >= Creatures.Count then Break;
if Creatures.Creature[x].ID = ID then
Result := Creatures.Creature[x];
end; end;
function IsCreatureBesideYou(c: TCreature): boolean; begin
Result := False;
if (abs(c.X-self.X) <= 1) and (abs(c.Y-self.Y) <= 1) then begin
if c.Z = self.Z then begin
Result := True;
end; end;
var x:integer; b:boolean; begin while not terminated do
If (Self.Attacking<>0) then
if Creature<>nil then
if SwitchAt<Creature.Health then
for x := 0 to Creatures.Count - 1 do
if b then break;
if x >= Creatures.Count then Break;
if Creatures.Creature[x].NPC then
if Creatures.Creature[x].z=self.z then
if Creatures.Creature[x].Name<>self.name then
if Creatures.Creature[x].Attacking = false then
if IsCreatureBesideYou(Creatures.Creature[x]) then
if GetPlace(Creature.Name)>GetPlace(Creatures.Creature[x].Name) then
end; end;
Tenha um bom botiamento XD
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