Olá! Esta lista serve para você que já entende um pouco de programação de scripts para Elfbot NG, nesta lista iremos listar todos os comandos no quesito inventório.
- buyitems {itemid} {amount} - buys a specific amount of a certain item;
- buyitemsupto {itemid} {amount} {itemvariable} - buys a specific amount of a certain item, up to a certain total desired amount depending on how many you already have;
- closeallwindows - closes all open inventory windows;
- crosshair {itemid} - makes a crosshair of the item id appears, so you can shoot a rune;
- eatfood - eats food from your open backpacks;
- equipammy {itemid} - equips an amulet with a certain item id to your neck slot;
- equipback {itemid} - equips a certain item in your backpack slot;
- equipbelt {itemid} - equips a certain item in your belt slot;
- equipboots {itemid} - equips a certain item in your boots slot;
- equipchest {itemid} - equips a certain item in your chest slot;
- equiplhand {itemid} - equips a certain item in your left-hand slot;
- equiprhand {itemid} - equips a certain item in your right-hand slot;
- equiphead {itemid} - equips a certain item in your head slot;
- equiphelm {itemid} - equips a certain item in your helmet slot;
- equiplegs {itemid} - equips a certain item in your legs slot;
- equipring {itemid} - equips a certain item in your ring slot;
- equipsring {itemid} {itemid} - same as equipring, but is used for rings that 'sparkle';
- fish - tries to get a fish using a fishing rod;
- lootitems - loot items defined in the file lootitems.txt;
- movenitems {item} {count} {'backpack'} - moves count amount of item to desired backpack;
- moveitemonground {sx} {sy} {sz} {dx} {dy} {dz} - moves the top item from a source tile to a destination tile;
- moveitems {itemid} {window} - moves all items with a certain id, to a window of a certain type;
- moveitemsonto {itemid} {bpid} {bpindex} {window} - moves all items to a specific container (bpid), at a certain index in an open window;
- openbeltitem - opens the item located in your belt slot, in a new window;
- openbpitem - opens your backpack in a new window;
- openitem {itemid} {index} {window} - (read the hotkey wizard for more info);
- openitemnew {itemid} {index} {window} - as 'openitem' but the item will be opened in a new window;
- opengrounditem {itemid} - if there's an item 1 square around you with a certain id this will open that item;
- opengroundxyz {x} {y} {z} - opens a certain item on a specific coordinate;
- reachgrounditem {itemid} - walks up to a certain item that is currently on your screen;
- refillammo - refills any item in your left hand, right hand or belt slot;
- sellitems {itemid} {amount} - sells a specific amount of a certain item to an NPC;
- sellitemsdownto {itemid} {amount} {itemvariable} - sells a specific amount of a certain item to an NPC down to a certain total desired amount depending on how many you already have;
- stake {distance} {itemid} - will look for reachable stakeable corpses within a certain distance, and skin them;
- skin {distance} {itemid} - will look for reachable skinnable corpses within a certain distance, and skin them;
- swapequip {text} {text} - swaps an item from one inventory slot to another;
- unequip {text} {window} - unequips an item from one of your inventory slots and puts it into a specific backpack;
- useoncreature {itemid} {creature} - uses an item with a certain id on a creature;
- useitem {useitem} - uses an item with a certain id;
- usegrounditem {itemid} - uses a certain item on the ground that's within 1 squares range;
- usegroundxyz {x} {y} {z} - uses the item that is currently on x y z;
- useongrounditem {itemid} {itemid} - uses an item from your inventory on a ground item that's within 1 squares range;
- repeatuseongroundxyz {itemid} {itemid} {x} {y} {z} - repeats using a certain item from your inventory on an item on x y z until the item no longer can be found;
- useongroundxyz {itemid} {x} {y} {z} - use a certain item frmo your inventory on the item that is on a certain x y z location;
- useitemsonground {sx} {sy} {sz} {dx} {dy} {dz} - uses the topmost item of a source tile onto the topmost item of a destination tile;
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