30 outubro 2009

Lista de Comandos Elfbot NG - Variáveis/Condições

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Olá! Esta lista serve para você que já entende um pouco de programação de scripts para Elfbot NG, nesta lista iremos listar todos os comandos no quesito Condições/Variáveis (São os comandos de condições que você deverá usar para executar as ações de movimento, ataque, cura, cavebot, inventório, etc.).


Cavebot Related
  • islocation - will execute a certain action only if you are on the exactly location of action waypoint;
  • isnotlocation - will execute a certain action only if you are not on the exactly location of action waypoint;
  • isdistance {x} - will execute a certain action only if you are x sqms close to the action waypoint;
  • isnotdistance {x} - will execute a certain action only if you are not x sqms close to the action waypoint;
  • isposz {posz} - will execute a certain action only if you are on the specified posz.
Alert Related
  • ifdefaultmessage - will execute a certain action only if you recieved a default message within last 2 seconds;
  • ifplayerattacking - will execute a certain action only if a player attacked you within last 2 seconds;
  • ifprivatemessage - will execute a certain action only if you recieved a private message within last 2 seconds;
  • ifgm - will execute a certain action only if a GM is detected around you;
  • ifnogm - will execute a certain action only if a GM is not detected around you;
  • ifplayeronscreen - will execute a certain action only if a player is detected around you;
  • ifnoplayeronscreen - will execute a certain action only if a player is not detected around you.
Misc Related
  • countlower {amount} - will execute a certain action only if the last item counted is lower than a certain amount;
  • counthigher {amount} - will execute a certain action only if the last item counted is higher than a certain amount;
  • caplower {num} - will execute a certain action only if your capacity is lower than a certain amount;
  • caphigher {num} - will execute a certain action only if your capacity is higher than a certain amount;
  • ifdrunk - will execute a certain action only if you are currently with drunk status;
  • ifhasted - will execute a certain action only if you are currently with haste status;
  • ifnothasted - will execute a certain action only if you are not currently with haste status;
  • ifmanashielded - will execute a certain action only if you are currently with mana shield status;
  • ifnotmanashielded - will execute a certain action only if you are not currently with mana shield status;
  • ifpoisoned - will execute a certain action only if you are currently with poison status;
  • ifparalyzed - will execute a certain action only if you are currently with paralyze status;
  • ifnotparalyzed - will execute a certain action only if you are not currently with paralyze status;
  • isattackedname {creaturename} - will execute a certain action only if the monster you are currently attacking has the specified name;
  • isonscreen {creaturename} - will execute a certain action only if there is a creature with the specified name on your screen;
  • isnotonscreen {creaturename} - will execute a certain action only if there is not a creature with the specified name on your screen;
  • istargeting - will execute a certain action only if the targeting is currently targeting a monster;
  • isnottargeting - will execute a certain action only if the targeting is not currently targeting a monster;
  • istargetname {creaturename} - will execute a certain action only if the targeting is currently targeting with a monster with the specified name;
  • hplower {num} - will execute a certain action only if you are with hp lower than the specified number;
  • hphigher {num} - will execute a certain action only if you are with hp higher than the specified number;
  • hpmissinglower {num} - will execute a certain action only if you are with missing hp lower than the specified number;
  • hpmissinghigher {num} - will execute a certain action only if you are with missing hp higher than the specified number;
  • mplower {num} - will execute a certain action only if you are with mp lower than the specified number;
  • mphigher {num} - will execute a certain action only if you are with mp higher than the specified number;
  • mpmissinglower {num} - will execute a certain action only if you are with missing mp lower than the specified number;
  • mpmissinghigher {num} - will execute a certain action only if you are with missing mp higher than the specified number;
  • safe - will execute a certain action only if the healing section of the bot is not currently healing yourself;
  • targethplower {num} - will execute a certain action only if the target is with hp% lower than the specified number.
Conditional expressions (To be used with variables):
  • if {conditions} {action} - will execute a certain action only if it satisfies some conditions;
  • ifnot {conditions} {action} - will execute a certain action only if it doesn't satisfies some conditions;
  • else {action} - will execute a certain action only if the corresponding if/ifnot expression wasn't satisfied.

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