Olá! Esta lista serve para você que já entende um pouco de programação de scripts para Elfbot NG, nesta lista iremos listar todos os comandos no quesito cura/restauração.
- autoheal - will force the bot to heal yourself if your hp is below 95%;
- healparalysis {text} - heals your paralysis with a certain spell;
- health {hp%} {creature} - uses a light health potion on a creature when it's hp is below a certain percentage;
- shealth {hp%} {creature} - uses a strnog health potion on a creature when it's hp is below a certain percentage;
- ghealth {hp%} {creature} - uses a great health potion on a creature when it's hp is below a certain percentage;
- uhealth {hp%} {creature} - uses a ultimate health potion on a creature when it's hp is below a certain percentage;
- gshealth {hp%} {creature} - uses a great spirit potion on a creature when it's hp is below a certain percentage;
- ihpc {hp%} {creature} - uses a ih rune on a creature when it's hp is below a certain percentage;
- mana {creature} - uses a light mana potion on a creature;
- smana {creature} - uses a strong mana potion on a creature;
- gmana {creature} - uses a great mana potion on a creature;
- gsmana {creature} - uses a great spirit potion on a creature;
- manashield - casts 'utamo vita' if you not already have mana shield activated or your mana is sufficient;
- refillmana {mp} {distance} - will try to mana your friends (if they're connected to a nav server);
- refillhealth {hp} {distance} - will try to heal your friends (if they have look info);
- sio {hp%} {creature} - casts 'exura sio' on a creature when his hp is below a certain percentage;
- uh {creature} - will heal a creature with a uh rune, if his hp percentage is below 95%;
- uhpc {hp%} {creature} - uses a uh rune on a creature whose hp is below a certain percentage;
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