30 outubro 2009

Lista de Comandos Elfbot NG - Configurações

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Olá! Esta lista serve para você que já entende um pouco de programação de scripts para Elfbot NG, nesta lista iremos listar todos os comandos no quesito Cavebot.
  • loadcavebot {scriptname} - loads a cavebot script. The file must be on your scripts folder;
  • loadtargeting {scriptname} - loads a targeting script. The file must be on your scripts folder;
  • loadsetting {settingname} - loads a setting. The file must be on your elfsettings folder;
  • loadscript {scriptname.elfs} - loads a script in text form. The file must be on your elfsettings folder;
  • setalarm {alarmname} {S state} {P state} {X state} - let you enable/disable an alarm;
  • setautocombo {on/off/toggle} - enable/disable autocombo;
  • setcavebot {on/off/toggle} - enable/disable follow waypoints;
  • settargeting {on/off/toggle} - enable/disable targeting;
  • settradeoptions {bpmode} {capmode} {equipmode} - ;
  • setfollowwaypoints {on/off/toggle} - enable/disable follow waypoints;
  • setoutfit {playername} {outfitid} - dresses someone with a specified outfit. It will dress your self if you don't specify the playername;
  • setitemoutfit {playername} {itemid} - dresses someone with a specified item id, like chameleon;
  • setoutfitcolor {playername} {headcolor} {primary} {secondary} {detail} {addon} - dresses someone with your desired outfit colors/addons;
  • setrelation {playername} {relation} {priority} - lets you flag players in realtime as a sub/enemy/friend, according to conditions that you impose.
  • foreach {listtype} $varname {action} - will itinerate trough a list type and make a desired action;
  • while {condition} {action} - will execute an action while the conditions are satisfied;
  • loop {amountoftimes} {action} - will execute an action x amount of time.

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